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Cheat And Hack

Cheat and hack in fact for the world game online with the existence cheat or hack, was seen from their respective point of view and was seen from the aspect of positive and negative him had the special profit although that for the company game online. because what? Because of the characteristics of humankind that had not wanted to be satisfied with what he doing. for example yes this cheat. his profit possibly for the owner game online could be said his product or game online his property became busy the interested person to play games this with used cheat this. I said like that because I also in a manner indirectly has seen or considered how far game online that the behaviour or not all that the behaviour, could be taken by the example game online Audition or Ayodance, from cheat that I upload in 2 website showed the interest of the person in playing games this although with used cheat even. hat earlier possibly could be said was seen from the Positive point of view, and if being seen from the clear negative point of view indeed very clear this matter in fact not must be done, because therefore gamers has carried out the violation in the playing method game that he played dishonestly, that could not be ignored by us also or we objected or was banned by us-banned to do that, because possibly for us could ban him indeed really was difficult. Possibly had the handling method that seldom could reduce the users cheat or hack this by doing the ID banned in other words deactivated character the player, could be taken by the example in game online RYL Indo (Risk Your Life) that possibly to now this game this could be said already did not operate again, at the time game hack that was carried out take the form of cheat and bug. To cheat him that personally possibly gradually did not get old because immediately carried out the abolition in the system cheat him, but to bug that personally indeed rather was difficult to be removed although in the long run succeeded in being handled whether by whatever means the RYL side personally carried him out but quite fruitful sweet and could be felt by his change in the user bug at that time really decreased, because character that used bug at the time after wards he Disconnect (DC) or went out game suddenly with the situation bug still was active automatically character him already in the banned, because possibly the system to detected was inconsistency in the status charaker this.

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